Sweaty? No problem for Kaerel!
Kaerel loves sports. Going crazy in the gym every once in a while, play a game of football with friends or play squash with colleagues. As long as the body is pushed to its limits. And let’s be honest, we play to win. We are no wimps. Being an invincible gladiator just feels good. Yes, we do get sweaty. But there’s nothing a good shower can’t solve.
Sweaty armpits are, unfortunately, not only present after a workout. A presentation for an important client or walking around on a beautiful, sunny day usually already does the trick. On those moments there’s no shower to solve anything! Biggest fear? Body odour! The possibility of you stretching out and disseminating an awful smell. ‘Is that really me?!’. As a result you walk around like a stick for the rest of the day.
But Kaerel is a man of the world, and you are too. You will not be distracted by something unimportant as sweat. Sweat is a part of the game because the body needs to get rid of its heat. It’s a healthy reaction of the body. But you don’t want body odour standing in the way of your daily activities. So that nasty smell? Kaerel has a solution. Let’s introduce you to the newest member of the family: deodorant!
Do you want to know the magic of Kaerels newest addition? The deodorant contains silver extract. It battles bacteria and ensures that nasty odours don’t stand a chance. That probably makes you happy. And your surroundings as well 😉