Real men eat meat, right?
Let’s go back in time. There was a time that we created a stereotype around real men. A real man was a tough guy standing behind the BBQ with big chucks of meat. Preferably hunted and shot by himself. He had a Viking-like beard and cursed like a pirate. That was a real man.
Fast forward to 2019. Imagine the picture described before. Is that the right description of a real man? Pure nonsense, right? It is full of hot air and has little substance, honestly. It’s old fashioned and fortunately, almost nobody buys it anymore. Let’s face it: how cool is it to kill innocent animals with your bare hands? In addition, by now you obviously know that the meat industry is one of the biggest polluters.
Time is changing. A tough guy doesn’t eat (much) animals. A tough guy is aware of its impact on the planet and all living beings on it. One of our heroes is @dean.schneider, someone who has devoted his life to protecting our furry friends. Animals rock! And animal testing for consumer products is totally insane. So, no animal testing for Kaerel. That’s also the reason we don’t sell our products in countries where animal testing is still normal. And our products are 100% vegan. So, all our ingredients are plant-based. And you know what? Our fans are tough enough to appreciate all this without having to hurt animals, pollute the air and wreck our planet. So far, so good!