Hair loss
Men will, when they get older, experience some physical changes. The most dreaded one? Hair loss. The receding hairline, the hair on top of your head getting thinner… A little reassurance: you’re not the only one. 45% of all men between 30 and 40 years old are confronted with hair loss.
What is hair loss?
Everybody loses hair, but also new hair will grow back. When you have hair loss you loose more hair than you grow new hair. This reduces the amount of hair. This process can happen gradually over the whole head or on specific spots, like the famous bald spot on top of the head or the inlets on both sides of the forehead.
What causes hair loss?
- Does baldness run in the family? There is a good change you will also become bald.
- Poor scalp condition. Can be caused by stress, insufficient nutrients or the use of an aggressive shampoo. Also avoid exposure to too much sun or too much (chlorinated) pool water.
- Iron deficiency.
- Illness or side effects of medication use.
Can hair loss be caused by stress?
Stress causes an increase in adrenaline and since the blood circulation in the scalp is relatively low, adrenaline can build up there. This creates acids in the blood vessels. These acids can subsequently attack the capillaries and sebaceous glands. As a result, hair loss or less growth of new hair. So yes, stress can play a part when facing hair loss.
What can you do to prevent hair loss?
It depends on the cause. Does baldness run in the family? Then accept the fact of heredity. There is no other way then just dealing with it…
Is your hair loss caused by stress? Go on a holiday, learn how to meditate or talk to your boss. When it comes to nutrients: leave the beers and hamburgers, have a good nutritious breakfast, a healthy lunch and a proper dinner with lots of fresh vegetables. Do you have an iron deficiency? Be like Popeye and eat that spinach! Of course you can also take an iron supplement.
When your hair loss is caused by an illness of the use of medication, talk to your doctor. We wish you all the best!
How come you’re suddenly facing extreme hair loss?
If the hair loss comes suddenly and you clearly see oval or round patches, chances are you are dealing with ‘Alopecia Areta’. This is a hair condition, you get bald quite suddenly and quickly. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about it. If you want to make sure, go to your doctor.
Can you prevent hair loss with a shampoo?
Studies have not proven yet shampoo can help in preventing hair loss. But, an aggressive shampoo can do harm to your scalp and cause hair loss. It is better to use a mild shampoo that takes care of your scalp. Kaerel Shampoo & Showergel is a very mild shampoo that cleanses and takes care of your hair and scalp.
Can you prevent hair loss with certain vitamins or minerals?
Also this is not proven yet in studies. But, a shortage of certain minerals, like iron, can cause or fasten hair loss. So make sure your diet is well based and full of vitamins and minerals.